ABCGA - Safety Conference

March 5th, 2013 Lethbridge AB



Changes in RUSA's Structure and Focus

Our Association has always been concerned with issues of safety in our respective municipalities.

The Association serves all Rural Municipalities, Counties, Towns, Special Municipalities and Villages in Alberta.

Employees from any of these municipalities, who coordinate or operate any public utilities and/or who have an inherent interest in the safety and well being of their communities and colleagues, will benefit from participation in this association.

The Association also works with the Alberta Municipal Health & Safety Association in order to fill the need, in "Rural Alberta", for a safer workplace and in the long-term, a decrease in costs to the municipalities.

We continue our support and programs for those who are involved in public utility operation, coordination, installation and/or inspection. Access our news documents by clicking on the links at the right side bar.


The RUSA Outstanding Achievement Award

The RUSA Outstanding Achievement Award in Memory of Charlie Davies will be awarded by the RUSA Board of directors on an annual basis in recognition of Outstanding Achievement. Download the nominee form.


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